The Theosophical
Society in Australia

Brisbane Lodge

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See the event archive.

2022  National Convention Perth

The Vision and the Way 18 to 25 January 2022 (Members Only)

Astrology, Astronomy, Planets & Star Constellations

Michael Lamb 8 Sept 7.30pm

Suffering and its Solution in Vedānta

Swami Atmeshenanda 7.30pm Wed 25 August BRISBANE LODGE

Another Babylon —Vladislav Nekliaev

Intuiting Ancient Poetry 28 July 7.30 pm

A Course in Miracles

A Christian Advaita Vedānta with Simon Jones 21 July 7.30pm

Internal Alchemy

Adam Mistry, Public Lecture 14 July


Anne Di Lauro 7.30pm 7 July 2021

Group Discussion

Wednesday 23 June 2021

Man Visible and Invisible

Barry Bowden, 16 June Brisbane Lodge 7.30 pm

Coincidences in Fiction and Literature

Laurence Browne, 7.30pm 9 June 2021

The Spiritual Roots of the Tarot

Russell Sturgess 7.30pm June 2 2021

The Great Pyramid

Amber St Clare 26 May 7.30pm

What is Spirituality?

Patricia Borey, 7.30pm 19 May 2021

The Baha'i Faith and Theosophy 

Vahid Sabzbalouch-Bam, 12 May 2021 7.30pm

Service in Contemporary Society

Russell Preston Brisbane 7.30pm 5 May 2021

Michael Lamb

Public Lecture 'Elements & Elementals' 7.30pm 28 April 21

Geoff Dargie

Public Lecture 7.30pm 21 April 2021

Phillipa Rooke

Ancient Wisdom and the New Paradigm Public Lecture 7.30pm 14 April

Russell Sturgess

The Spiritual Roots of the Tarot. Public Lecture 7 April 7.30pm


DVD viewing at BTS Wednesday 24 March 2021 7.30pm

Public Discussion

Wed 17 March 7.30-8.30pm.  All welcome

Christine Gwin

THE POWER OF THOUGHT, 10 March 7.30pm Public lecture

Hermetic Astrology

The 12 Zodiacal Gates & Initiation: Lecturer by Adam Mistry

Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo

David Allan, 24 Feb 2020 7.30 Public Lecture

Public Lecture

The spiritual path, initiation and techniques to guide the seeker towards illumination

Public Lecture

Tao Te Ching

Inauguration of National President

Plus 2021 Convention Business Meeting, Sibyl Centre Auditorium, 25 January

Birth of H. P. Blavatsky

12 August 1831 – 8 May 1891

29 April 2020 A Poetry Night

Public Reading: An Evening with the Poets

22 April 2020 Public Lecture

The Final Benediction

15 April 2020 Public Lecture

Ancient Civilizations, Part II: Cambodia and the Khmer Empire Detailed

8 April 2020 Public Lecture

An Introduction to the Life and Teaching of Ramana Maharashi

Saturday 4 April 2020 Seminar

Claiming the Power of the Soul: Why we don't hear what we need to know

1 April 2020 Public Discussion

'Holy Fools'. Looking at contenders for the title.

11 March 2020 Public Lecture

A Course in Miracles: A Western Vedanta

18 March 2020 Public Lecture

HP Blavatsky: The Writer

25 March 2020 Public Lecture

Dark Matter - Science's Endless Search

4 March 2020 Public Lecture

Zhuangzi and Fun

26 February 2020 Public Lecture

The Spiritual Call

19 February Lecture —Brisbane TS

Tsung-Mi’s Teachings on the Interpenetration of Opposites

12 February 2020 Public Lecture

The Secrets of the Caduceus

5 February Lecture & Discussion

Everything Old is New Again: The Ancient Wisdom and the New Paradigm


27 November 2019

Overcoming Obstacles to Awakening

20 November 2019 7.30pm

The Great Saturn/Pluto Conjunction 2020

13 November 7.30pm

Discussion Night

6 November: Spirituality

Ancient Civilizations

30 October 7.30pm

Public Lecture

23 October The Divine in the Abrahamic Tradition

Public Lecture 16 October

Practical Spirituality According to Ramakrishna - Vivekananda

Public Lecture 9 October

The Secret of Evolution. Lecturer: Pedro Oliveira

Music Night 2 October

Meditation Through Music

Public Lecture 25 September

Gnostic Crucifixion (Gnostic Christianity Part 2)

Public Lecture 18 September

Women's Agency in Christianity in the Middle Ages

Panel about Spirituality 11 September

Guest Speakers Edward Johnson & Steve Grace

Discussion Night

Can Theosophy Help with the Challenges of Life? 4 September

Special event Brisbane 7 August 7.30 pm


Facilitated Discussion 17 July

Besant & Leadbeater's Occult Chemistry Brisbane 7.30 pm

Coming up in Brisbane 10 July  7.30 pm

Barry Bowden on KARMA AND DHARMA

Coming up at Brisbane TS 3 July 7.30 pm


The Noble Truth of Suffering

Workshop facilitated by Bruce Cassidy at Brisbane TS 7.30 pm 19 June

National President in Brisbane 5 June 7.30 pm

Linda Oliveira on Contemplative Living in the Modern World 7.30 pm

Public talk 29 May 7.30 pm

Adam Mistry at Brisbane TS on THE FOUR PILLARS OF GNOSIS

Coming up Next in Brisbane 22 May

Public talk on the Knights Templar by Dr Catarina Moreira 7.30 pm

International President Tim Boyd 14 May

Public lecture OVERCOMING FEAR 7.30 pm

Next Public Talk

David Allan on G.I. Gurdjieff and his Teachings 8 May 7.30 pm

Discussion Night 1 May

Theosophy presents the BIG PICTURE 7.30 pm Brisbane

Upcoming lecture: What is Theosophy?

Michael Morton Brisbane 7.30 pm 24 April 2019 all welcome

The Existence of Free Will

James Thompson 7.30 pm 17 April 2019 all welcome

Evolving 'Planetary Humans’

Richard Whitehurst  7.30 pm 10 April 2019 all welcome

The Curious History of the Flammarion Woodcut

Laurence Browne Brisbane 7.30 pm 27 March 2019 all welcome

The Nature of the Psyche according to C.G. Jung

Annie De Lauro Brisbane 7.30 pm 20 March 2019 all welcome

The Relevance of Theology

Renee Hills public talk 7.30 pm 13 March 2019

The Krishnamurti Conference 2018

Discussion led by Bruce Cassidy 7.30 pm 6 March 2019

The Origins & Philosophies of Freemasonry

Paul Holland 7.30 pm 27 Feb all welcome

Wisdom, Good Health and Immortality

Alec Cox on Scientology public talk 7.30 pm 20 Feb

Zen and Schrödinger's One Mind

Peter Bruza on the relation of time to One Mind 7.30pm 13 Feb all welcome

Why Vegetarianism?

Janet Harding 7.30 pm 6 February 2019 all welcome

The Challenges of our Day—What can we do to help?

Phillipa Rooke 7.30 pm 3 April 2019 all welcome

Birth of C. Jinarajadasa

16 December 1875 – 18 June 1953

Passing of Mary K. Neff

September 7, 1877 - December 10, 1948

Poetry Night

Bring your poems, bring your food, bring your good cheer: 28 November 7.30 pm

The Self and its Bodies

Education Coordinator Pedro Oliveira: 21 November 7.30 pm

Elements of Death in the Context of Life

Anna and Paul Robb: 14 November 7.30 pm

Our thoughts; what are they doing?

Discussion night: Faciliated by Tony Petcopoulos 7 November

The Science of Yoga

Forum: David Allen & Bruce Cassidy 31 October All Welcome

The Divine Pymander

James Thompson on Hermeticism and Theosophy: Public Talk 24 October

Development of Cosmic Consciousness

Public Talk: Adam Mistry 17 October All Welcome

Vital Questions Answered

Insights from the work of Geoffrey Hodson 10 October all welcome

Birth of Annie Besant

1 October 1847 – 20 September 1933

The Sage of Arunachala: Sri Ramana Maharshi 1879-1950

Documentary DVD 26 September All Welcome

Passing of Annie Besant

1 October 1847 – 20 September 1933

The Overview Effect and the Survival of Human Civilisation

Richard Whitehurst: Public talk 19 September

Forgiveness: A Key to Spiritual Transformation

Tony Petcopoulos: Public Talk 12 September

Birth of Mary K. Neff

September 7, 1877 - December 10, 1948

Spiritual Stories and Legends

Discussion Night Facilitated by Phillipa Rooke 5  September

Service and the Theosophical Journey

Dr Brian Harding: 29 August all welcome

Meditation and Higher Consciousness

Pablo Sender: YouTube Presentation 22 August

Closed for Public Holiday

15 August Public Holiday: no meetings

Passing of George S. Arundale

1 December 1878 — 12 August 1945

The Monk, the Monkey and the King

Min Chen: Public Talk 8 August All Welcome

Birth of Hon. Alfred Deakin

3 August 1856 – 7 October 1919

Birth of H. S. Olcott

2 August 1832 – 17 February 1907


Discussion night with Janet Harding: 1 August

They Changed the World and were Inspired by Theosophists

25 July 2018

Spiritual Evolution: the example of Ramakrishna-Vivekananda

Swami Atmeshananda: Brisbane Lodge 8 July 2018

Knowledge, Reason & Intuition

Discussion night with David Allan: 11 July

Birth of T. Subba Row

6 July 1856 – 24 June 1890

Death, the Near-Death Experience and Spiritual Awakening

National President Linda Oliveira: 4 July 2018

Heaven World or Devachan

27 June 2018

Passing of T. Subba Row

6 July 1856 – 24 June 1890

The Solutions to all Problems DVD

20 June 2018

Passing of C. Jinarajadasa

16 December 1875 – 18 June 1953

Intellect or Intuition?

13 June 2018

Being in the Moment

6 June 2018

Music for Inspiration

30 May 2018

My Experience Teaching in a Theosophical School

23 May 2018

The Wisdom Tradition in Christianity

16 May 2018

Birth of J Krishnamurti

11 May 1895 – 17 February 1986

Series of short Talks

Bruce Cassidy, Michael Morton, Edward Johnson

The Benefits of Theosophy

International Lecturer Michael Gomes

The Benefits of Theosophy

2 May 2018

Birth of William Quan Judge

April 13 1851 – March 21 1896

Passing of Clara Codd

10 October 1876 - 3 April 1971

Birth of Josephine Ransom

March 22 1879 - December 2 1960

Passing of William Quan Judge

April 13 1851 – March 21 1896

Birth of Geoffrey Hodson

12 March 1886 – 23 January 1983

Passing of C. W. Leadbeater

16 February 1854 – 1 March 1934

Passing of Rukmini Devi Arundale

29 February 1904 – 24 February 1986

Passing of H. S. Olcott

2 August 1832 – 17 February 1907

Adyar Day

17 February

Passing of J Krishnamurti

11 May 1895 – 17 February 1986

Birth of C. W. Leadbeater

16 February 1854 – 1 March 1934

Birth of Alfred Percy Sinnett

18 January 1840 – 26 June 1921

Passing of Geoffrey Hodson

12 March 1886 – 23 January 1983

Canyonleigh 2017 November Event

Birth of John Coats

8 July 1906 – 26 December 1979

Passing of N. Sri Ram

15 December 1889 - 8 April 1973

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